Dark Fairy

Whenever I am not working on my horror/sci-fi/fantasy web series Shadows of Prey or on my animated science fiction short film Echoes, I like to sketch some critters and creatures into my sketchbooks.

Below is a scribble of a predator.

dark fairy illustration by director John Brito

In one of my dreams, my shadow told me to draw this. It is a dark fairy which feeds on your dreams. I had written down and sketched the whole life cycle of this creature (which you can see in this blog post), but I did not have a name for it yet.

So I showed it to one of my colleagues at work and Markus (my colleague) said:
“Hey it looks like my uncle Franz!”
“Really? Actually, I do not have a name for this one.”
“Wait, let´s see in the internet, if there is a synonym for Franz….. hm…. Franzi, Frantz, Fran…”
“Phran! That´s cool! Phran. This guy is a Phran.”

And so the Phran was baptized 🙂

31 responses to “Dark Fairy

  1. “Some people follow their dreams. Other’s steal them”. There is a strange yet Interesting movie called The City Of Lost Children (1995) which is based on stealing dreams too which may interest you. Very dark and creepy. Your artwork is mesmerising as always. Beautifully scary.


  2. Loved your sketch. Dreams seem to inspire artists in all directions, I’ve two stories done for young adults/children that were the result of my dreams. WOnder how many more of us wake and create fantasy/art based on our subconscious collective?


    • Thank you. And maybe the movie you saw was “The Wendigo” by Larry Fessenden? There is a creature with a wooden body as well, but it did not have a face I think. 🙂


  3. Pingback: A Phran´s Life Cycle | I create worlds. John Brito´s Blog·

  4. Pingback: The Knautbold – A Courageous Little Fairy | I create worlds. John Brito´s Blog·

  5. Pingback: About Knautbolds´ Lives | I create worlds. John Brito´s Blog·

  6. Pingback: Fairy: An Eye Witness’ Story | I create worlds. John Brito´s Blog·

  7. Pingback: New Storyline For My First Children´s Book | I create worlds. John Brito´s Blog·

  8. Pingback: At The Vienna Comic Con | I create worlds. John E. Brito's Blog·

  9. Pingback: Fighting the Dark Fairy | I create worlds. John E. Brito's Blog·

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